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Planning Board Minutes 10/13/05
Planning Board Minutes—October 13
Members present:~ Maggie Leonard presiding, Janet Cathcart, Wayne Burkhart
(There was no quorum at this meeting.  Minutes approved provisionally.)
Maggie Leonard called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.~
Members attempted to further clarify the definition of ADU.~ The Board agreed the definition of "dwelling" currently and for the purposes of ADU is as stated in the current bylaw definition which is "one or more rooms constituting a separate independent house unit establishment with cooking, living, sanitary, and sleeping facilities for the use of no more than one family."  Further, the Board discussed whether the Monterey definition should match the State Code which further defines "cooking" to be with permanent cooking facilities.   
At approximately 7:30, Mike Parsons and Sean Tucker, owner of Steepleview Reality, entered the meeting room and asked to be recognized.~ The letter from Maggie to Mike was reread.~ The Board was assured that Steepleview Reality would undertake the improvement and upkeep of the road joining the proposed subdivision.~ Although filing of a preliminary plan is optional, Mike asked for Òapproval.Ó~ That approval of a preliminary plan does not constitute approve of the Definitive Plan was emphasized and recognized by all present.~ He plans to return in four to six weeks with a Definitive Subdivision Plan before filing for a public hearing.~ As the road is an essential part of the subdivision, the Board will discuss and monitor the plans pertaining to the quality of the road.~
At approximately 8:15, the Board resumed amending the working on~ bylaw changes.~ Article 11 was debated because of the difficulty in establishing a statute that respected the rights of the homeowner to construct an ADU, and the wishes of the community to preserve the aesthetics of its buildings.~ The decision was made to leave the statute as written in the draft, and open the discussion to public debate.
A second list of proposed bylaw changes as submitted by Brian Puntin was also prepared for a public hearing.~ Janet Cathcart reflected the wishes of the Planning Board to write statutes containing references to Ònonconforming natureÓ with utmost clarity in order to prevent potential disputes.~
November 17 was set as a definite date for a public hearing.
Mail included information on a Federal Planning Board Seminar on October 22.~ Janet Cathcart was interested in attending.
Janet also alerted the Board to the status of Dock permits under the Amnesty provision.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10.

Esther Heffernan
Secretary, Planning Board